Keaton Questions

เมื่อเราเจอหญ้าที่เราฟันแล้วหญ้าหนี ให้เราใส่หน้ากากจิงจอกคีตันฟันหญ้า แล้วคีตันจะปรากฏตัวถามคำถามเรา หญ้าหนีจะมีอยู่ 3 ที่ คือ clock town ทิศเหนือ, ที่มิลค์โรด (หน้ารูปปั้นนกฮูก), และที่โกรอนหน้าร้านตีดาบ โดยคำถามจะเป็นแบบสุ่ม ถ้าตอบถูกจะได้รางวัลเป็นชิ้นส่วนหัวใจ

คำถามเกี่ยวกับ clock town
What is the name of the festival that is to be held in Clock Town?
- Carnival of the Moon
- Carnival of Time
- Carnival of Masks

Once it's completed, how tall will the festival tower at the carnival be?
- Two stories
- Four stories
- Six stories

Who is the leader of the Bombers gang?
- Gorman
- Viscen
- Jim

What is the name of the mayor of Clock Town?
- Babour
- Cagour
- Dotour

What is the name of Clock Town's inn?
- Stockpile Inn
- Stop On Inn
- Stock Pot Inn

What is the name of Anju's father?
- Padre
- Tortus
- Tertal

What is Anju, the innkeeper, bad at doing?
- Cleaning
- Writing Letters
- Cooking

What bad habit does Anju, the innkeeper, have?
- She's quick to apologize
- She's quick to get angry
- She's quick to break into tears

What is the name of the vintage milk sold at the Milk Bar?
- Romani Run
- Chateau Romani
- Chateau Moroni

What does the owner of the Bomb Shop call his mother?
- Old Lady
- Mother
- Mommy

How many mailboxes are there in Clock Town?
- Four
- Five
- Six

How many cow figurines are there in Clock Town?
- Eight
- Nine
- Ten

What is the name given to you by Romani, the girl at the ranch?
- Butterfly
- Cricket
- Grasshopper

What is the name of the song that Romani, the girl at the ranch, teaches you?
- Epona's Song
- Song of Healing
- Song of the Field

At what time does Romani, the ranch girl, wake up?
- Six
- Seven
- She never gets up

What time does Romani, the girl at the ranch, go to bed?
- Seven
- Eight
- She doesn't sleep

What weapon does Romani, the girl at the ranch, use in practice?
- Slingshot
- Bow
- She doesn't use one

How many balloons does Romani, the girl at the ranch, use during practice?
- One
- Two
- She doesn't use balloons

How many cows are there at Romani Ranch?
- Two
- Three
- Four

How many cuccos are there in the barn at Romani Ranch?
- One
- Two
- There are none

Where does Cremia, manager of Romani Ranch, try to deliver her milk?
- Curiosity Shop
- Milk Bar
- Stock Pot Inn

คำถามเกี่ยวกับ Goron
Darmani is of which race?
- Deku Scrub
- Goron
- Zora

คำถามเกี่ยวกับ Zora
Mikau is of which race?
- Deku Scrub
- Goron
- Zora

How many members are there in the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's?
- Four
- Five
- Six

What is the name of the singer in the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's?
- Toto
- Lulu
- Ruto

คำถามเกี่ยวกับ Tingle(คนขายแผนที่)
How old is Tingle, the map salesman?
- 15
- 25
- 35

What are the magic words that Tingle Created? Tingle, Tingle...what?
- Abracadabra!
- Kookoo-Tingle-Rama!
- Kooloo-Limpah!

Is Tingle the mapmaker left-handed or right-handed?
- Left-handed
- Right-handed
- Ambidextrous

What color of trunks does Tingle the mapmaker wear?
- Yellow
- He doesn't wear any
- Red

What instrument does the Skull Kid Play?
- Tin Whistle
- Flute
- Ocarina

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